The television programme Who Do You Think You Are? has highlighted this steadily growing hobby. Judging from emails sent to our village website we have a number of family historians interested in Warmington so there may be Warmington residents interested in researching their families elsewhere.
We are an informal group meeting at Oundle Methodist Chapel each month to share information and help each other in searching for our ancestors.
Our members are a mixture of beginners and more experienced family historians whose research covers families throughout the British Isles and overseas.
Visiting speakers join us to talk on interesting and relevant subjects and outings are arranged e.g. The National Archives at Kew in London.
Admission is free to members of the Northamptonshire Family History Society but a charge of £2 is made for visitors.
If you would like further information please feel free to contact Jenny Smith 01832 272061
Oundle Branch of the Northamptonshire Family History Society Registered Charity No 288668