To view the signed-off audit papers, please visit
Messy play is back
Warmington Baby & Toddler Group
If you have a baby or toddler sometimes it's a bit tricky to get to know others in the same situation, but come along toddler group and you will be made very welcome.
Warmington Baby & Toddler Group is restarting in November - a relaxed and friendly environment where you can bring your youngster to play with others of a similar age and you can chat over a cup of tea or coffee with the other parents and carers there. We have a good stock of baby and toddler toys to keep the children stimulated in creative play and the sessions are open to anyone whether or not you are resident in Warmington.
When: Monday morning, 10.00am
See for more info or contact Sophie Robotham on 07713352680
Location: Warmington Village Hall Registered Charity
We love to meet new people and you're more than welcome to just turn up and join in the fun.
Warmington Matters
Please report anything in the parish that you spot that seems untoward - together we can keep Warmington tip-top
You can report the things that the parish council looks after and for which the report comes through to us.
For other matters, such as suspicious activity, crimes, dog mess, fley tipping etc, there are links to the relevant reporting facility which will go through to right the department at North Northamptonshire Council.
New councillors
Warmington Parish Council has 8 councillors returned following an uncontested election.
We look forward to a new four-year term of exciting challenges and positive achievements for the community.
Remember - get in touch if there is something you want us to know about or to consider taking forward.
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